Shoal Bay Holiday Unit

Priority Bookings

The priority bookings system is operated by the club to allow all members to bid for bookings in the peak periods on a fair and equal footing.

Pygmy Possum Lodge

There are no relevant priority dates for Pygmy Possum Lodge bookings.

How to qualify

Submit booking applications for the priority period, prior to the relevant priority date. Only members and sponsored guests booking in with members are able to submit a priority booking. (Members, see how to invite your sponsored guests to link to your booking.) Bookings must also be paid for before the priority date. Please pay using BPAY® and be sure to pay in time for the payment to be reported in the Club bank account by the priority date.

®Registered to BPAY Pty Ltd ABN 69 079 137 518 For more information, go to: www.bpay.com.au

How Priority Bookings are Allocated

If demand for winter priority bookings exceeds the lodge's accommodation capacity, the club aims to allocate the room weeks as fairly as possible. To achieve this, the booking requests will be allocated via as many rounds as necessary, with at most 1 week to be allocated to a member (plus spouse or nominated ski companion, and dependent children) in the first round, and in subsequent rounds available rooms weeks will be allocated to members and potentially their guests, with the aim of maintaining fairness of the number of room weeks taken up by each membership.

Round 1:

Bookings will be Allocated in the Following Order

  1. Members who have volunteered work for the club (Board, Bookings, Foodstore, Working Bee, Housekeeping etc.) will be allocated their one week.
  2. All remaining booking members will be allocated a week. If necessary a random number or lottery system will be used to prioritize bookings for their one week of first choice dates.

Subsequent Rounds:

Available rooms will be allocated to members and potentially their guests, with the aim of maintaining fairness of the total season number of room weeks taken up by each membership.

  1. Sponsored guests will be teamed with their sponsors wherever possible, where the member is not already at the number of room weeks for the season level of other members.
  2. Members who requested an extra week will be allocated in the same order as in Round 1.

People can still pay up to 75% of the booking fee with points as usual, however credit points are no longer also used to determine priority booking allocations.

Page last updated: 29 Sep, 2024