Shoal Bay Holiday Unit

COVID Safe Lodge Operation

Photo of Pygmy Possum Lodge in Winter

Winter 2022 COVID-19 Safe Lodge Operations

There have been a number of COVID cases at Charlottes Pass Village and at Pygmy Possum over first few weeks of the 2022 Winter season. This should not surprise anyone. On July 29, NSW had a 7-day average case count of 13,940. In the 2021 LGA lockdown season, the peak 7-day average was 1,401 on September 9; a tenth of the current average. COVID is with us, and CPSR is no exception.

The Board’s COVID policy is aimed at reducing risk to our members and guests. We acknowledge that COVID-19 risk cannot be eliminated and that both vaccinated and nonvaccinated persons can catch and spread the infection. Federal and State Government policy and advice tell us that full vaccination, COVID testing and strategies to reduce aerosol spread remain the best ways to minimise risk of infection.

Under this policy, all Members and Guests will be required to:

  • Not come to Pygmy Possum Lodge if they are experiencing any cold or flu-like symptoms. We will fully refund any bookings that are cancelled for this reason.
  • Have a negative COVID-19 PCR or RAT immediately prior to departing for the Lodge.

Consistent with National and State health recommendations, the Board encourages all guests to be up to date/fully vaccinated for their age or health status.

COVID is a highly infectious aerosol-spread disease and we have installed HEPA-filter air purifiers in the dining areas and the games room. These must be left on at all times.

Waiver of Liability

The Club’s COVID policy also requires that everyone over the age of eighteen who is included in a booking must complete an Online Waiver. The link to this Waiver will be emailed to the booking contact's email address in the week prior to the booking start date. It is the responsibility of that contact person to pass the waiver link onto any others in the booking, and ensure that they also complete the waiver. The final booking information email which includes lodge access information and room allocations is sent with the completed waiver for your record of what you have agreed to. Members and Guests over the age of eighteen who have not completed the Waiver do not qualify to go to the lodge, even if they have a Confirmed fully paid booking.

The Board expects all members and guests to comply with the Club’s COVID policy and to answer honestly when completing the COVID Waiver.


Wear a mask within the lodge whenever possible, and when in indoor spaces such as bars and restaurants. You will also need to wear a mask on the over-snow. There are surgical and N95 masks in the food store. These are free but please bring your own and only use the store as a backup.

If you have ANY possible COVID symptoms

Anyone who has ANY cold or flu-like symptoms must tell their lodge captain and take a RAT immediately. These tests are available in Food Store (Western end, near medications). If you test negative but still have any symptoms, take another test in the next 24 hours. One or two negative tests do not mean you don’t have COVID and that you may not be infecting other guests.

Anyone who tests positive to COVID, under NSW Health Orders, MUST leave the Lodge and Charlotte Pass as soon as possible and RETURN to their normal place of residence to ISOLATE.

Isolation and Room Cleaning

Page last updated: 05 Aug, 2022